When to use a creative agency

When to use a creative agency?

You have an idea for a business, maybe even a logo or website. How do you decide if and when to use a creative agency to develop your branding, create artwork or logo or marketing materials?

Just starting out

If you are just starting a business it’s a great idea to get a professional to develop your logo and website. Yes, you can certainly do this yourself and you could enlist your buddy to do it for free. So why would you want to pay for it? A small business doesn’t necessarily need an agency, but a real pro can help develop a logo and website that truly represents your brand now and in the future. Sometimes clients come to us with a logo they got off the internet and while it may be something to put in the spot where a logo goes, it doesn’t resonate or represent the company or industry they are in. A professional can help flesh out who you are and want to be visually.

Just not us

Sometimes a business evolves and changes over time and is not what it was when it started. If you start looking at your logo and materials and they don’t represent you anymore, then it might be time to talk to a pro. It’s possible they can do a refresh, or you may need a completely new identity.

A Reboot

Sometimes a brand just starts to feel old. It can’t relate to what competitors are doing. It can be that the company got new management. It can be an innovation or change in the industry. That’s when a creative agency can be of help. In this case, you may need to research and review what is going on in the market before a big change.

In each case, it would be good to talk to a professional to see what they have to say. You may need help, or you may not but checking the options may be just want you need to develop a brand that really resonates with the target audience.