The Language of Social Media: Commenting vs. Messaging

Today, social media is almost an entirely different language. Learning a new language is extremely difficult and can be especially frustrating when your business relies on it. It may seem basic, but many users don’t know the when and how to use these tools.

For example, a question came up the other day from a client who wanted to know the difference between comments and messages on social media.

Whether you use Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, or any other platform, comments can be seen in a few ways.  First, comments are public, anyone with permission to view the post can see the response. Messages are private, only the person you are sending to can see them. This is the most basic thing to remember when choosing.

How do you respond to a question about your pricing on a public comment when you don’t want that information to be public? How do you acknowledge a positive direct message without spending too much time? What on earth do you do about trolls on your posts?